Pages Tagged With: "corps of engineers"
The Buckalew family is proposing to use a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit for the construction and backfill of a retaining wall impacting approximately 0.044 acres of wetland on Love Creek, in Lewes.
Chesapeake Utilities Corporation proposes to use a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit for the installation of a natural gas line beneath Canary Creek and its adjacent wetlands southeast of the New Road bridge in Lewes.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposes to dredge approximately 209,000 cubic yards of material from the Salem River Federal Navigation Channel in the vicinity of Salem Cove, in New Castle County.
The Coastal Storm Risk Management Study of the Delaware Inland Bays and Delaware Bay Coast (known as the Back Bay Study) will explore potential storm risk management problems and flood risk reduction solutions. It will recommend risk reduction solutions that increase community resilience to coastal storms. Statement from
The Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Section is reviewing, and seeks public comment on, a proposal by the the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to reissue 52 existing nationwide permits (NWPs), issue five new NWPs, and modify the general conditions and definitions.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is proposing to re-issue the existing 52 nationwide permits (NWPs) and to issue two new NWPs.