Pages Tagged With: "board"
The Parks and Recreation Council advises the director of the DNREC Division of Parks and Recreation on matters related to the planning, acquisition, development, management, conservation and programming of lands and services under the jurisdiction of the division. The council is established in State Law at 29 Del. C. § 8009.
The Water Well Licensing Board advises and assists the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) in the administration of the Water Well Licensing program.
Contact Us
Sarah Silves 302-739-9116
The Water Supply Coordinating Council was established by the Delaware General Assembly (26 Del. Code, § 1305 – § 1308) to work to continue water supply self-sufficiency in northern New Castle County and to develop and publish water supply plans for southern New Castle County, Kent County and Sussex County.
The DNREC Division of Water works with a number of boards and councils that help it manage various programs and provide outside input and advice on permitting, licensing and other issues. Meetings of the these boards and councils are open to the public. They are posted on the DNREC Calendar of Events and on
The Delaware Natural Areas Advisory Council advises the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control on the administration of nature preserves and the preservation of natural areas. They work to ensure that areas of unusual natural significance are preserved for the benefit of present and future generations of Delawareans.
The Delaware Open Space Council was created in 1990, with the passage of the Delaware Land Protection Act (7 Del. C. Chapter 75), to advise the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control on all matters relating to the administration, implementation, and financing of the Open Space Program. [column md=”5″ xclass=”col-xs-12
The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control works with several boards, councils, committee and task forces to help it stay in touch with the public and the regulated community and ensure that Departmental policies and regulations serve the needs of all constituents. The bodies are listed by where they are hosted