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The Department has adopted a plan regarding the clean-up of the Chestnut Run Plaza Dupont (DE-1778) Site, also known as Chestnut Run Plaza Site, Operable Unit 6 (OU-6) located in Wilmington. OU-6 consists of numerous buildings used for research and development. The remedial action for the Chestnut Run Plaza Dupont OU-6 Site will include compliance with a Contaminated Materials Management Plan; an environmental covenant restricting the use of the property to nonresidential type uses; a vapor investigation on all new buildings, uninvestigated, or significantly changed buildings; and compliance with an LTS plan.
DNREC issued a public notice of the Proposed Plan for the Chestnut Run Plaza Dupont, OU-6, Site on September 30, 2024. There were no comments or questions from the public regarding the Proposed Plan. Details of the Final Plan are available online at: den.dnrec.delaware.gov
For additional information, please contact John Costa, Project Manager at (302) 395-2600 or via email at DNREC_WHS_REMEDIATIONINBOX@delaware.gov
Related Topics: clean-up, final plan, public notice, remediation, waste and hazardous substances