Greg Johnson (4-32-2.00-122.00) – To remove the existing pier, dock, and boat lift and to install a 5 by 30 foot ADA compliant pier, a 6 by 40 foot dock, and a 4 piling boat lift on Broad Creek, at 5037 Morgans Way, Cherry Walk Woods, Laurel, Sussex County, DE
J G Townsend Jr. Co. (334-12.00-16.00) – To install a 36 inch diameter 51 foot concrete culvert in an unnamed tributary to Hetty Fisher Glade near the intersection of Cedar Grove Road and Ward Road, Lewes, Sussex County, DE
Dermody Properties (0703840052) – To stabilize 30 linear feet of stream channel and banks by installing approximately 2,630 cubic yards of rip-rap in a gabion mattress and baskets adjacent to an existing stormwater outfall in Little Mill Creek, at 801 Boxwood Road, Wilmington, New Castle County, DE
New Castle Conservation District (900710025, 900710024 and 900710023) – To stabilize 220 linear feet of stream channel and banks by re-grading and installing approximately 103 cubic yards of rip-rap in an unnamed tributary to the East Branch of the Christina River, at 3, 4 and 5 Trotters Turn, Newark, New Castle County, DE
Robert & Susan Eby (5-00-31.00-15.00-85) – To maintain a 3 by 101 foot pier, a 3 by 35 foot dock, and 4 free standing pilings on the Nanticoke River, at 27473 Blue Heron Drive, Seaford, Sussex County, DE
These Documents/Applications above are available for review by contacting:
Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Section
89 Kings Highway
Dover, DE 19901
If you have any comments, please return this memo to this office by July 28, 2020.
A public hearing on the above applications will NOT be held unless the Secretary of DNREC determines that a public hearing is in the public interest or if a written meritorious objection to the application is received within 20 days from this notice. Please indicate in your letter whether your intention is to request a public hearing or whether you are simply providing comments for the Department’s consideration. If a public hearing is desired, please be advised that a public hearing request shall be deemed meritorious if it exhibits familiarity with the application and provides a reasoned statement of the action’s probable impact.
Related Topics: permitting and regulation, public notice, subaqueous lands, water, wetlands