
Wastewater Facilities Construction Permit Application: Artesian Wastewater Management

Division of Water

Published: April 16, 2023
Comments Due: April 30, 2023

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Division of Water, hereby gives notice that a permit application has been received from:

Artesian Wastewater Management, Inc., of Newark, New Castle County, Delaware, to install approximately five thousand, five hundred and ninety-four linear feet (5,594 LF) of four (4) inch diameter sanitary sewer force main and related appurtenances. The proposed force main will be installed from the proposed subdivision on Cool Spring Road, in Sussex County, run southwards along Cool Spring Road and tie into an existing twelve (12) inch force main on Stockley Road, Sussex County, Delaware.

Questions regarding the applications and plans for the above are available for inspection by contacting:

Dr. Davison Mwale (PhD)
DNREC Environmental Finance
Enterprise Business Park
97 Commerce Way, Suite 106
Dover, DE 19904

A public hearing concerning the above application will NOT be held unless the Secretary of DNREC determines that a hearing is in the public interest or if a written meritorious request for a hearing is received on or before April 30, 2023. A request for a public hearing shall be deemed meritorious if it exhibits a familiarity with the application and provides a reasoned statement of the permit’s probable impact.
