
Proposed Plan of Remedial Action for the Hamilton Park/Pyles Lane Site – Operable Units 46 and 47 (DE-1284)

Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances

Published: Sept. 3, 2023
Comments Due: Sept. 25, 2023

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Documents for Review
Proposed Plan

The Department invites public comment on a proposal to cleanup Operable Units (OUs) 46 and 47 of the Hamilton Park/Pyles Lane Site, two properties located within a residential neighborhood in New Castle. The properties are approximately, 0.08 acres and 0.18 acres in size, respectively. Fill material placed before the houses in the neighborhood were constructed, as well as remnants of a former foundry operation previously located in the rear of the neighborhood, are the likely sources of elevated metals detected within the top 0 to 2 feet below ground surface (bgs) throughout the Site. The OU-46 and OU-47 properties will be subject to the following remedial action: removal of soil within the top two feet bgs in select areas within each OU.

You can find the Proposed Plan at and to find more information about the site at

The comment period ends on September 25, 2023. For additional information, please contact Lindsay Hall, Project Manager, at (302) 395-2600 or via email at
