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The Department invites public comment on a proposal to clean-up the Chestnut Run Plaza DuPont Site, also known as Chestnut Run Plaza Site, Operable Unit 3 (OU-3) (DE-1778) located at 984 Centre Road and 405 Research Drive in Wilmington. The Site has been used as a daycare in the past and will be used as a daycare in the future.
The proposed remedial actions for the Site addresses only soil and soil vapor contamination as the groundwater contamination is being addressed under another operable unit.
Tax Parcel 0703520209 (covers the entire Site) – The proposed remedial actions for the tax parcel under the Delaware Hazardous Substance Cleanup Act (HSCA) include: Environmental Management During Construction- Develop and implement a Contamination Material Management Plan (CMMP); Institutional Controls- placement of an environmental covenant limiting groundwater withdrawal, restricting to non-residential site uses, prohibiting building renovation/demolition without prior DNREC approval, compliance with the CMMP, require a vapor intrusion evaluation for new buildings, buildings with changing use, buildings with structural changes, and buildings not already investigated; and a Remedial Action Completion Report.
Remedial actions are being proposed for Tax Parcel 0703520213 in an abundance of caution since soil and soil vapor results meet residential standards for OU-3.
Tax Parcels 0703520213 (Building 750 (Daycare)) – The proposed remedial actions for the tax parcel under HSCA include: Environmental Management During Construction- Develop and implement a CMMP; Institutional Controls- placement of an environmental covenant limiting groundwater withdrawal, compliance with the CMMP, and require a vapor intrusion evaluation for any new buildings, or significant changes to Building 750.
Details of the Proposed Plan are available online at: den.dnrec.delaware.gov
The comment period ends on October 23,2023. For additional information, please contact Rick Galloway, Project Manager at (302) 395-2600 or via email at RS_Public_Comments@delaware.gov.
Related Topics: clean-up, public notice, remediation, waste and hazardous substances