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Notice has been given that:
DuPont Specialty Products USA, LLC, has requested a construction permit to modify the stack shared by two (2) existing boilers (Boilers 3 & 7) at their 200 Powder Mill Road facility in Wilmington within New Castle County. The stack modification will involve decreasing the existing stack height from 100’ to 80’ (a decrease of 20’) and increasing the stack diameter from 7’ to 7.5’ (an increase in 0.5’). The emission limitations for Boilers 3 and 7 have been made federally enforceable through prior permitting actions and will not be changed as part of this modification. Boiler 3 will remain permitted to emit up to 43.31 tons per year (TPY) of NOX, 30.70 TPY of CO, 2.94 TPY of PM10, 0.25 TPY of SOX, and 2.27 TPY of VOCs by Permit: APC-1982/0083-CONSTRUCTION (Amendment 4)(NOX RACT). Boiler 7 will remain permitted to emit up to 15.752 TPY of NOX, 32.38 TPY of CO, 2.188 TPY of PM10, 0.257 TPY of SOX, and 1.750 TPY of VOCs by Permit: APC-2017/0147-CONSTRUCTION (Amendment 4)(MNSR)(NOX RACT)(NSPS).
The application for this permit may be reviewed upon request. The application is posted at de.gov/dnrecnotices. To submit comments, for additional information or for information regarding how you can inspect the application, please contact Jennifer Childears at (302) 739‑9402 or jennifer.childears@delaware.gov.
A public hearing on any of the above applications will NOT be held unless the Secretary of DNREC receives a request for a hearing regarding that application within 15 days from the date of this notice, ending April 29, 2024. A request for a hearing shall be in writing. The request must also show a familiarity with the application and a reasoned statement of the permit’s probable impact.
Division of Air Quality
State Street Commons, Suite 6A
100 W. Water Street, Dover 19904
Related Topics: air quality, natural minor, permitting and regulation, public notice, stack modification