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Notice has been given that:
Perdue AgriBusiness, LLC, requests an amendment permit to Permit: APC-2023/0038-CONSTRUCTION to account for a proposed change in the model number of the loading spout associated with the project and an associated modification to the method of railcar loading at their 1001 Nanticoke Avenue facility in Seaford within Sussex County. The proposed changes will not have an impact on the emissions generated by the activities associated with the project, but the emission limitations in Permit: APC-2023/0038-CONSTRUCTION (Amendment 1) will be adjusted to account for a calculation error in the initial permit. This includes permitted increases in rolling twelve (12) month emission limits from 12.05 tons to 12.723 tons of PM10 and 2.06 tons to 2.173 tons of PM2.5.
The application for this permit may be reviewed upon request. The application is posted at de.gov/dnrecnotices. To submit comments, for additional information or for information regarding how you can inspect the application, please contact Jennifer Childears at (302) 739 9402.
A public hearing on any of the above applications will NOT be held unless the Secretary of DNREC receives a request for a hearing regarding that application within 15 days from the date of this notice, ending November 13, 2023. A request for a hearing shall be in writing. The request must also show a familiarity with the application and a reasoned statement of the permit’s probable impact.
All comments and public hearing requests should be mailed to the following address:
Division of Air Quality
State Street Commons, Suite 6A
100 W. Water Street, Dover 19904
Related Topics: air quality, loading spout, natural minor, permitting and regulation, public notice