Evaluation, Measurement, and Verification (EM&V) is the process by which energy professionals make sure energy efficiency programs and projects are saving energy and money as they were designed to. It helps energy professionals assess how programs are working, and decide what energy-saving strategies to pursue in the future. DNREC develops the regulations that guide EM&V processes in Delaware.
The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC), Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy has statutory oversight and management responsibilities for much of the State’s energy efficiency policy. Under the Energy Efficiency Resource Standards (EERS) Act of 2009 (29 Del.C., Chapter 15), DNREC has responsibility for determining utility compliance with Delaware’s EERS requirements and the establishment of evaluation protocols and standards.
Final Evaluation, Measurement and Verification regulations developed by the Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy took effect January 11, 2017. They include:
A public hearing on the regulations was held on August 29, 2016. The following comments were received during the public comment period:
The Technical Response Memo provides the Department’s responses to the public comments. The Hearing Officer’s Report recommends the final promulgation of the regulations.
The purpose of a Technical Resource Manual (TRM) is to provide a single, common reference document for estimating the energy and peak demand savings resulting from the installation of energy efficiency measures. The data and methodologies prescribed by the TRM are designed for use by program planners, administrators, implementers, regulatory entities, energy utilities for cost-effectiveness screening and program planning, tracking, and reporting. The TRM is also used by program evaluators for evaluating the performance of energy efficiency programs and facilities.
The Mid-Atlantic Technical Resource Manual (TRM) is a collaborative project with the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP) which is funded by Delaware, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. The Mid-Atlantic TRM serves as an important tool to support rate-funded efficiency investments, both for planning and assessment of success in meeting specific state goals. The intent of the project is to develop and document detailed common assumptions for approximately thirty prescriptive residential and commercial/industrial electric energy efficiency measures savings. For each measure, the TRM includes either specific deemed values or algorithms for calculating:
In 2013, Delaware commissioned Optimal Energy to estimate how Delaware could potentially reduce usage of electricity, natural gas and unregulated fossil fuel. The study focused on savings opportunities in the building sector that could be achieved through the implementation of energy efficiency technologies and practices.
The study, completed in two phases, assesses the energy efficiency potential in Delaware from 2014 through 2025. Results of the study suggest that significant cost-effective energy efficiency resources could be included in Delaware’s energy resource mix over the next 12 years, representing billions of dollars in net benefits to customers and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by millions of metric tons.
Phase 1: Delaware Economic Energy Efficiency Potential (May 24, 2013)
Delaware’s economic energy efficiency potential, including all savings that are cost-effective, assuming no or limited market barriers.
Phase 2: Study of Energy Efficiency Potential in Delaware (September 4, 2014)
A more accurate estimation of energy efficiency potential, including analysis of real market barriers and program intervention.
Delaware has completed studies that provide an assessment of a “market baseline” of existing residential and commercial buildings and equipment stock in Delaware. Baseline studies help policy makers and utilities make informed decisions about the energy end uses and equipment that will be most readily and cost-effectively targeted with energy efficiency programs.
Related Topics: climate, efficiency, energy, evaluation, measurement, verification