Pages Tagged With: "outdoors"
DNREC Calendar: Outdoor Recreation
The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) offers outdoor recreation classes and opportunities for children and adventurous adults at its several nature centers, outdoor education centers, the Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserve and via several educational programs. This calendar is presented as a list of upcoming events (below) and asFly Fishing Lessons
Anglers aged 16 and older can learn about, and gain skills in, the increasingly popular sport of fly-fishing by attending free fly-fishing lessons for adults at the DNREC Aquatic Resources Education Center in Smyrna. The 2024 fly-fishing class is set for Sept. 21 and 28, 2024, from 9Artificial Reef Guide Requests
DNREC publishes the Delaware Reef Guide to provide information about the state’s artificial reef sites. The Guide is available for download in PDF format. A limited number of printed copies are available as well. Use the request form below to request a copy by mail. Please include yourWildlife Area Maps and Regulations
The DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife manages approximately 68,000 acres of Delaware land at 19 public wildlife areas that provide hunting opportunities as well as habitat for a variety of species. Digital Wildlife Area Maps HuntingFreshwater Trout Fishing
DNREC’s freshwater trout program is a self-supporting put-and-take fishery. Rainbow, brown and/or brook trout are stocked in selected streams in New Castle County and in selected ponds in Kent and Sussex counties. Basic Requirements No minimum size. Four fish per day in fly-fishingBoating and Fishing Access Locations
[giciframeAngler Alert: Snakeheads
The Northern Snakehead (Channa argus), a fish native to China and Russia, has become a problem invasive species in several states, including Delaware. Anyone who catches a snakehead in Delaware is encouraged to kill it and notify the Division of Fish and Wildlife. Snakehead(Image by Susan Trammel-USGS) Snakeheads wereArtificial Reef Program
Delaware has 14 permitted artificial reef sites in Delaware Bay and along the Atlantic Coast. Cleaned and stable construction materials, boats, and subway cars create new habitat. They support expanded recreational fishing and diving. DevelopmentInvasive Aquatic Species
Delaware, along with other states in the Mid-Atlantic Region, has been invaded by non-native aquatic species that pose a threat to native species, to ecological processes, and to the economy. An invasive species is a non-native species whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or environmentalResearch and Monitoring
Biologists from the DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife keep track of the state’s fish populations. They work on Delaware’s rivers, ponds, estuaries, the Delaware Bay and in coastal waters and study how different species are faring. What Fisheries Biologists Do Fisheries Biologist John Clark tagged this 54.8-pound striperResources for Delaware Pond Owners
Many small “farm” ponds in Delaware provide important recreational opportunities. Children may catch their first bluegill from such a pond. Ponds provide aesthetic beauty, irrigation, fire safety in rural areas, and wildlife habitat.Contact Us
Fisheries Office 302-735-8650
Gamefish and Freshwater Fishing Restrictions
Gamefish are found in either tidal or non-tidal freshwater in Delaware. Gamefish taken from Delaware waters cannot legally be sold, traded or bartered unless authorized by permit. Black Crappie Gamefish Species Include: Largemouth Bass Smallmouth Bass Black Crappie White Crappie Rock Bass White Bass Walleye