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 Pages Tagged With: "hfcs"

Program Guidelines and Operational Procedures

The purpose of these guidelines is to define procedures relating to the Cool Switch Low-Impact Refrigerant Program (Cool Switch). The goal in establishing these guidelines is to provide a streamlined procedure for administering and distributing program funds. These guidelines provide rules of practice and procedures for rebate applications and disbursement of rebates for low-impact

Cool Switch Low-Impact Refrigerant Program

The Cool Switch Low-Impact Refrigerant Program’s goal is to incentivize the use of refrigerants with lower Global Warming Potential impacts.

Contact Us

Chloe Hennig Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy 302-735-3480
Program Guidelines [button type=”primary”

Public Workshops: Draft Language to Regulate the Use and Manufacturing of Hydrofluorocarbons

DNREC will conduct three public workshops on a draft regulation to be proposed as a Delaware air regulation. The workshops will address draft language to regulate the use and manufacturing of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).
