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 Pages Tagged With: "fishery management"

Federal Consistency Determination: Northeast Multispecies Fishery Management Plan

The National Marine Fisheries Service proposes to amend the Northeast Multispecies Fishery Management Plan to improve the reliability and accountability of catch reporting in the commercial groundfish fishery.

Federal Consistency Determination: Bluefish Fishery Management Plan

The National Marine Fisheries Service proposes to update the Bluefish Fishery Management Plan using the best information available by revising quota allocations and management procedures.

Federal Consistency Determination: Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Fishery Management Plan

The National Marine Fisheries Service proposes to modify commercial and recreational management measures in the directed and incidental bluefin tuna fisheries in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico.

Federal Consistency Determinations Submitted to the Delaware Coastal Management Program

The National Marine Fisheries Service proposes to adopt Amendment 21 to the Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Fishery Management Plan (FMP) to establish updated Summer Flounder commercial quota allocations.

Federal Consistency Determination Submitted to the Delaware Coastal Management Program

A Federal Consistency Determination has been submitted to the Delaware Coastal Management Program for an amendment to the Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fishery Management Plan.
