
Modernizing Information Technology

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) is updating and streamlining its information technology applications. It is working closely with the Department of Technology and Information (DTI) to make the best use of the latest technology.

DNREC is first and always a natural resources management and environmental regulatory agency. But it is also a broker of vast amounts of information. That information is used to make informed decisions, to communicate with and conduct business with constituents, and to help protect Delaware’s air, land, water, and wildlife. Information technology is vital to the agency’s success.

A Suite of IT Enhancements

DNREC has begun a number of enhancements to information technology (IT) systems. There are IT enhancement projects throughout the Department. All flow from the agency’s Information Technology Strategic Plan and agency-wide goals. They will help DNREC staff do their jobs. Some will help the public understand what DNREC does. Others will update tools used by DNREC staff.

These projects will establish a modern, integrated system to manage data, information, and documents.

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