
Expanding Our Lean Strategy

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) is establishing an agency-wide lean management strategy. The Department is expanding and deepening its culture of continuous improvement. It is providing coaches and facilitators to help staff in every program make major improvements to permitting, licensing, and administrative processes.

Improving DNREC

Making Things Better
Expanding Our Lean Strategy
Document Management
Technology Updates
A New Web Site

DNREC staff have used lean management tools such as process reviews and value stream mapping for over a decade. The result has been measurable improvement in efficiency and performance in many programs.

Lean Management is an organizational approach based on the idea of continuous improvement. It is a long-term approach that seeks small, incremental changes in processes to improve efficiency and quality.

A Focus on The DNREC Mission

DNREC staff are determined to improve business processes and information management.

Both must be continually sharpened to ensure timely, predictable and cost effective permitting.

A lean management strategy will support data-driven strategies.

It will help staff to respond effectively to environmental threats.

And it helps to make the wealth of environmental information DNREC collects more transparent and accessible to the public.

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