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 Pages Categorized With: "Conservation Programs"

Conservation Districts

Delaware’s three conservation districts are involved in numerous programs and activities that help landowners become better stewards of their land, most notably the state cost-share program.

The Conservation Districts

New Castle Conservation District 2430 Old County Road Newark,

Debris Pit Reporting Form

You can get advice, guidance and in some cases financial assistance to deal with sinkholes caused by old debris pits on your property. The first step is reporting the issue, using the form below. Your Contact Information Your Name Phone Number

Debris Pits

The State of Delaware and New Castle County have dedicated funding to remediate old debris pits. If you believe you have a debris pit, both can assist you in determining the best course of action.

Contact Us

Debris Pit Remediation 302-834-5555

Conservation Programs

The DNREC Conservation Programs Section serves as a liaison between DNREC and the state’s three Conservation Districts and it administers a number of programs related to water quality protection, drainage, and sedimentation and stormwater. Nonpoint Source Program Drainage Program Debris Pit Remediation
