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 Pages Categorized With: "Resource Protection"


The Resource Protection Section actively pursues supplemental funding for projects to address issues of concern. This funding typically comes from Federal Agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), United States Geological Survey (USGS) or the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). While these

Water Quality Monitoring

The Division of Water monitors ambient water quality and multiple sites around the state to help support multiple goals of the Department. It also tracks the causes and effects of saltwater intrusion. Ambient Groundwater Monitoring The Division of Water is expanding the number of existing groundwater monitoring wells throughout

Data Coordination

The Resource Evaluation and Protection program provides data support to Division of Water programs, interagency partners and the public. The Environmental Quality Information System (EQuIS) The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) maintains an EQuIS™ database, from EarthSoft® Inc., to store and analyze both field and laboratory

Planning and Legal

The Planning and Legal group provides technical, legal and data resources to the Division of Water to support the activities of the various regulatory and resource protection programs.

Contact Us

Scott Figurski 302-739-9945
A Commitment to Continuous

Compliance Assistance and Enforcement

Staff with the DNREC Division of Water’s Compliance and Enforcement Program review data submitted by permit holders and provide oversight to ensure facilities stay in compliance with their permits. They provide compliance assistance and recommend best practices for permittees.

Contact Us

Colleen Slater 302-739-9945

Resource Protection Section

The Resource Protection Section evaluates and protects Delaware’s water resources through technical assistance, field monitoring and sampling services, regulatory implementation, and standardizing processes for the Division’s inspection, compliance, and enforcement actions.  Professional Licensing The division oversees licensing for wastewater system operators, professionals involved in on-site wastewater treatment
