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 Pages Tagged With: "ozone"

Public Hearing: State Implementation Plans, 2015 8-hour Ozone Moderate Non-Attainment Plan and I/M Performance Standard Certification for New Castle County

Division of Air Quality will conduct two virtual public hearings on proposed State Implementation Plans focused on ozone and motor vehicle inspection and maintenance in New Castle County.

Breathing Easier – Delaware’s Air Quality Monitoring Network

The first week of May marks the beginning of Air Quality Awareness Week. DNREC ‘s Air Quality Monitoring Stations, located throughout the state, are helping us breathe easier.

Air Quality Forecast

Air Quality Guides for Ozone and Particulate Matter The following are links to guides from the EPA, in English and Spanish, to help readers reduce their exposure and protect their health when the air quality is bad. Guide for ozone Guia de la calidad


Ozone is a colorless, naturally occurring gas found in two layers of the atmosphere. In the upper layers of the atmosphere, ozone protects life on Earth by absorbing some of the sun’s ultraviolet rays. In the layer closest to the ground, however, ozone is an air pollutant that is a key ingredient of smog and
