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 Pages Tagged With: "landowners"

Landowner Protection Options

Approximately 45 percent of all wetlands in the state are located on privately owned lands, with the remaining wetlands found on both state and federal lands. With nearly half of Delaware’s wetlands found on private lands it is important for landowners to recognize the benefits wetlands provide and work towards conserving and preserving them.

Cost Share Program Questions and Answers

A list of frequently asked questions, and answers, about the phragmites control cost-share program offered by the Division of Fish and Wildlife.

Contact Us

James Joachimowski Impoundment/Habitat Biologist 302-725-3638
Landowner Assistance [button type=”primary”

Managed Hunts

Managed or controlled hunting is a highly organized effort to reduce the local deer population in urban areas. Hunters must apply and are selected for these hunts. Information on participating in managed hunts is available on the Master Hunter Program page. During the hunt, hunters have specified treestand locations

Deer Damage Assistance

Many farmers report significant damage to their crops caused by deer. By combining non-lethal techniques with targeted harvest, farmers can reduce crop damage.

Contact Us

Sam Millman Deer Biologist 302-735-3600
Harvest of antlerless deer, specifically mature does,

Coyotes in Delaware

While Delaware’s coyote population remains relatively low, coyotes have been documented in each of the state’s three counties. Coyotes (Canis latrans) have been expanding across the continental United States since the mid-1900s and are now found in 49 of the 50 states, with only Hawaii not having a coyote population. Delaware is recognized as the
