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 Pages Tagged With: "global warming"

Program Guidelines and Operational Procedures

The purpose of these guidelines is to define procedures relating to the Cool Switch Low-Impact Refrigerant Program (Cool Switch). The goal in establishing these guidelines is to provide a streamlined procedure for administering and distributing program funds. These guidelines provide rules of practice and procedures for rebate applications and disbursement of rebates for low-impact

Cool Switch Low-Impact Refrigerant Program

The Cool Switch Low-Impact Refrigerant Program’s goal is to incentivize the use of refrigerants with lower Global Warming Potential impacts.

Contact Us

Chloe Hennig Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy 302-735-3480
Program Guidelines [button type=”primary”

Topic: Climate Change

Climate change is happening now and it affects our everyday lives. We are seeing increased frequency and strength of coastal storms. Rainfall events are becoming more severe. Heat waves are affecting human health and our valuable agricultural sector. And, as a coastal state, we must pay attention to changes in sea levels.
