
Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Applications

Division of Water

Published: Aug. 4, 2021
Comments Due: Aug. 24, 2021

Subaqueous Lands Permit Application

Delaware Department of Transportation (0800700055) – To remove four (4) 4 foot wide by 6 foot high culvert pipes and install one (1) 24 foot wide by 4 foot high, 80 foot long box culvert, to place 137 cubic yards of rip-rap, and to relocate existing utilities, resulting in 2,891 square feet of temporary open water impacts and 1,981 square feet of permanent open water impacts to Mill Creek at Bridge 1-180 on Grant Avenue, New Castle County, DE

Michael Krieg (533-19.12-75.00) – To install a 40-inch wide by 10 foot long gangway, a 5 by 10 foot long floating dock, and a 5 by 14 foot long floating PWC dock in an unnamed lagoon at 37543 Pine Road, Keenwik, Selbyville, Sussex County, DE

Robert Duffy (5-33-12.20-4.00) – To install a two piling elevator lift in an unnamed lagoon at 36927 Laws Point Road, Swann Keys, Selbyville, Sussex County, DE

Ronnie Edge and Valerie Edge (3-31-6.00-379.00) – To repair/replace an existing 12 by 18 foot long dock and to install approximately 150 linear feet of rip-rap revetment directly in front of an existing failing bulkhead in the Nanticoke River at 9794 N. Shore Drive, Seaford, Sussex County, DE

Subaqueous Lands Lease and Permit Application

Larry Hearn and Karen Hearn (3-31-6.00-380.00) – To repair an existing 4 by 15 foot long pier and to construct a 6 by 30 foot long “L” dock and install a boatlift with four (4) associated pilings. Additionally, to install approximately 143 linear feet of rip-rap revetment directly in front of an existing failing bulkhead in the Nanticoke River at 9806 N. Shore Drive, Seaford, Sussex County, DE

Subaqueous Lands Lease Renewal Application

Bayside Hamlet POA (1-34-5.00-299.00) – To utilize and maintain a 16 by 27 foot long concrete boat ramp in the Indian River Bay at 128 Ewing Road (Lot 7), Bayside Hamlet, Ocean View, Sussex County, DE

Map Change Application

Frank Family Trust (1-34-23.16-347.00) – Requesting a change of State wetlands map DNR-002 to reclassify 1,226 square feet of (M) Marsh area to (O), Other) to reflect current conditions at 806 South Schulz Road, Fenwick Island, Sussex County, DE

These Documents/Applications above are available for review by contacting:

If you have any comments, please return this memo to this office by August 24, 2021.

A public hearing on the above applications will NOT be held unless the Secretary of DNREC determines that a public hearing is in the public interest or if a written meritorious objection to the application is received within 20 days from this notice. Please indicate in your letter whether your intention is to request a public hearing or whether you are simply providing comments for the Department’s consideration. If a public hearing is desired, please be advised that a public hearing request shall be deemed meritorious if it exhibits familiarity with the application and provides a reasoned statement of the action’s probable impact.
