Delaware Department of Transportation (0800700055) – To remove four (4) 4 foot wide by 6 foot high culvert pipes and install one (1) 24 foot wide by 4 foot high, 80 foot long box culvert, to place 137 cubic yards of rip-rap, and to relocate existing utilities, resulting in 2,891 square feet of temporary open water impacts and 1,981 square feet of permanent open water impacts to Mill Creek at Bridge 1-180 on Grant Avenue, New Castle County, DE
Michael Krieg (533-19.12-75.00) – To install a 40-inch wide by 10 foot long gangway, a 5 by 10 foot long floating dock, and a 5 by 14 foot long floating PWC dock in an unnamed lagoon at 37543 Pine Road, Keenwik, Selbyville, Sussex County, DE
Robert Duffy (5-33-12.20-4.00) – To install a two piling elevator lift in an unnamed lagoon at 36927 Laws Point Road, Swann Keys, Selbyville, Sussex County, DE
Ronnie Edge and Valerie Edge (3-31-6.00-379.00) – To repair/replace an existing 12 by 18 foot long dock and to install approximately 150 linear feet of rip-rap revetment directly in front of an existing failing bulkhead in the Nanticoke River at 9794 N. Shore Drive, Seaford, Sussex County, DE
Larry Hearn and Karen Hearn (3-31-6.00-380.00) – To repair an existing 4 by 15 foot long pier and to construct a 6 by 30 foot long “L” dock and install a boatlift with four (4) associated pilings. Additionally, to install approximately 143 linear feet of rip-rap revetment directly in front of an existing failing bulkhead in the Nanticoke River at 9806 N. Shore Drive, Seaford, Sussex County, DE
Bayside Hamlet POA (1-34-5.00-299.00) – To utilize and maintain a 16 by 27 foot long concrete boat ramp in the Indian River Bay at 128 Ewing Road (Lot 7), Bayside Hamlet, Ocean View, Sussex County, DE
Frank Family Trust (1-34-23.16-347.00) – Requesting a change of State wetlands map DNR-002 to reclassify 1,226 square feet of (M) Marsh area to (O), Other) to reflect current conditions at 806 South Schulz Road, Fenwick Island, Sussex County, DE
These Documents/Applications above are available for review by contacting:
If you have any comments, please return this memo to this office by August 24, 2021.
A public hearing on the above applications will NOT be held unless the Secretary of DNREC determines that a public hearing is in the public interest or if a written meritorious objection to the application is received within 20 days from this notice. Please indicate in your letter whether your intention is to request a public hearing or whether you are simply providing comments for the Department’s consideration. If a public hearing is desired, please be advised that a public hearing request shall be deemed meritorious if it exhibits familiarity with the application and provides a reasoned statement of the action’s probable impact.
Related Topics: permitting and regulation, public notice, subaqueous lands, water, wetlands