
Proposed Plan of Remedial Action for the Former Thoro-Kleen Dry Cleaners Site (DE-0207) Operable Unit 1 (OU-1)

Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances

Published: Nov. 1, 2020
Comments Due: Nov. 21, 2020

The Department invites public comment on a proposal to clean-up of Operable Unit 1 (OU-1) of the Former Thoro-Kleen Dry Cleaners Site located in Georgetown. The Site, which was once used as a dry cleaner and laundry, is required to remove soil, remediate groundwater, place and maintain a cap on the Site, place an environmental covenant on the deed restricting the use of the property, and develop a Long-Term Stewardship (LTS) Plan for the Site.

Details of the Proposed Plan are available online at:

The comment period ends on November 21, 2020. For additional information, please contact Robert C. Asreen, Jr., Project Manager at (302) 395-2600 or via email at
