
Final Plan of Remedial Action for the Villa Maria Site (DE-1728)

Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances

Published: Jan. 10, 2021

The Department has adopted a plan regarding the clean-up of the Villa Maria Site located in Wilmington, Delaware. The Site historically operated as a coal yard, an automobile storage, a paint store, and a printing shop. The Site requires an Environmental Covenant restricting the use of groundwater, compliance with a Contaminated Material Management Plan, and long-term monitoring of groundwater. The Site is proposed to be redeveloped for mixed residential and commercial uses.

DNREC-RS issued public notice of the Proposed Plan for Villa Maria Site on December 13, 2020. There were no comments or questions from the public regarding the Proposed Plan. Details of the Final Plan are available online at:

For additional information, please contact Mariya Chiger, Project Manager at (302) 395-2600 or via email at
