Quarterly Meeting of the Delaware Open Space Council.
Join TEAMS Meeting
Meeting ID: 861 3346 5211
Passcode: 281051
To join by phone (audio-only) dial 1-301-715-8592 and enter code 86133465211#
The Open Space Council, created in 1990, advises the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control on all matters relating to the administration, implementation, and financing of the Open Space Program.
The Council is made up of a diverse group of people from throughout the state who have been active in or have shown an interest in preserving open space. Members are appointed by the Governor and by the leaders of the Delaware General Assembly.
This will be a hybrid meeting, with an in-person option at Legislative Hall, in Dover, and an online option.
For more information, contact Kerri Batrowny, Division of Parks and Recreation, at 302-739-9935.