
Little Creek Well Sampling Meeting

Date and Time:
Thursday, December 28, 2023
7:00 pm

Little Creek Fire Hall
311 Main St.
Little Creek, Delaware

Join staff from the state’s environmental and health agencies to discuss plans to sample private wells in the Little Creek area for PFAS.

In the fall, a resident of Little Creek shared the results of private well sampling that indicated high levels of PFAS in their private well. The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) sampled the same private well and confirmed the initial results.

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of synthetic chemicals, including PFOA, PFOS, and GenX, that have been used in manufacturing, firefighting, and consumer products since the 1940s. PFAS do not readily break down in the environment and can accumulate in living things. Some toxicological studies have found that exposure to these substances can cause serious health effects.

Staff from the DNREC Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances and the DHSS Division of Public Health will meet with residents of Little Creek to share the results and ask for voluntary participation in sampling other private wells in the area.

DNREC and DHSS staff will answer resident questions and begin the process of scheduling well sampling.

This will be a hybrid meeting, with an in-person option at the Little Creek Fire Hall and a virtual option (please register for connection information).

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