Join DNREC staff to learn about potential recreational impacts of a proposal to bring power lines from an offshore wind project ashore at 3Rs Beach in Delaware Seashore State Park.
US Wind is going through a federal permitting process to gain approval for projects to install wind turbines offshore of the Delmarva Peninsula.
The state of Delaware is in formal negotiations with US Wind for the potential lease of state land to deliver power from the turbines to the regional electrical grid.
The informational event will focus on the impact on recreational activities at the park and, specifically, the parking lot where construction is anticipated, if the project is approved and power lines come ashore at the park.
Visitors will be able to browse informational posters showing the existing parking area and proposed construction area, in-ground infrastructure, potential impacts during construction and any anticipated restrictions on recreational access during the construction period.
There will also be information on how to track the process through DNREC notices and news releases and how to stay informed about future meetings on the subject.
The Division of Parks and Recreation used a survey of public opinion (open through March 26) to collect feedback.