
Community Meeting: Army Creek Restoration Plan Amendment

Date and Time:
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
7 pm

Pat Ellis Conference Room, DNREC Offices
391 Lukens Dr.
New Castle, Delaware

Join a community meeting to learn about the proposed amendment to the Army Creek Restoration Plan.

This will be a hybrid meeting with an in-person option at the DNREC offices in New Castle and a virtual option via Zoom.

The DNREC Remediation Section will host a community meeting regarding a draft Natural Resource Damage Restoration Plan Amendment for the Army Creek Landfill and a discussion on possible restoration projects.

The Army Creek Superfund Site is a 60-acre former sand and gravel pit near US Route 13 and US Route 40, in New Castle. In the 1960s, it was operated as a landfill for municipal and industrial wastes. In the 1970s, contaminants leaching from the landfill were discovered in nearby private drinking water wells. A recovery well system was installed to protect public water supply wells, but the recovered groundwater was discharged, without treatment, directly into Army Creek.

The landfill was placed on the National Priorities List in 1983. A landfill cap was completed in 1993, and a water treatment facility was completed in 1994. Funds were provided for natural resources trustees for the site to perform restoration of the creek.

This amendment is proposed to an earlier restoration plan, that was found to be not feasible. It would replace the proposed restoration of degraded marshes at Army Creek with a suitable and comparable tidal reconnection and wetlands restoration alternative.

For more information, or to propose potential restoration project ideas for discussion, please contact Kat Caudle, Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances Ombuds, at or 302-395-2604.

Proposed ideas for discussion should be submitted by Oct. 16, 2024.

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