
Delaware’s Climate Action Plan

Delaware’s Climate Action Plan is a playbook for how the state can prepare for climate change in the decades ahead.

2025 Climate Action Plan

Delaware has kicked off planning for the development of the 2025 Climate Action Plan.

2025 Climate Action Plan Timeline

Fall/Winter 2024 (Phase 1)
Initial information gathering
– Sector-based meetings
– Public workshops
– Community Meetings

Winter 2024/25 (Phase 2)
Modeling emissions and compiling feedback into potential strategies
– Model potential emissions reductions
– Compile initial information received
– Develop list of potential strategies

Spring/Summer 2025 (Phase 3)
Stakeholder feedback on emissions modeling results and potential strategies
– Additional sector-based meetings
– Public workshops
– Community Meetings

Fall 2025
Release of 2025 Climate Action Plan

The process starts with DNREC hosting meetings with technical experts and with public information and input sessions in the fall of 2024 focused on both resiliency and emissions reduction topics.

Three public information/input sessions are planned for October 2024:

Meeting participants interact with a collection of presentation boards and share their feedback. Those unable to attend, can share their thoughts using an online survey.

The 2025 Climate Action Plan will build off of the 2021 Climate Action Plan work that is underway to reduce emissions and increase resiliency. It will also include the state’s emission goals and other components of the 2023 Climate Change Solutions Act.

The Climate Action Plan will be developed using a phased approach to stakeholder engagement starting in late 2024 and spanning a year. 

Phase 1 is initial data collection and feedback. The first phase includes sector-based technical meetings to obtain initial feedback. These meetings cover both resiliency and emissions reduction opportunities. Information from these meetings will be used for emissions modeling and for an initial inventory of challenges and opportunities.

Phase 1 will continue with three workshops in October 2024, also focused on both resiliency and emissions reduction topics. Additional meetings with stakeholders will be planned throughout the fall and winter to provide feedback and input on climate change topics.

Phase 2 is modeling of emissions. Based on information gathered in Phase 1, the team will work with consultants to run models that demonstrate the potential trajectory of emissions in Delaware.  Phase 2 will occur during the winter of 2024/25.

Phase 3 encompasses sharing the results of the modeling and soliciting feedback on specific strategies and actions for emissions reductions and resiliency.

Extensive public engagement is planned, including general public workshops, community-based meetings and sector-based meetings.  Phase 3 engagements will occur in Spring of 2025.

Throughout the planning process, the Climate Action Plan team will also seek opportunities to meet one-on-one or in small groups with stakeholders. This feedback will also be incorporated into the modeling and development of strategies considered for inclusion in the 2025 Climate Action Plan.

2021 Climate Action Plan

Cover of the Delaware Climate Action Plan

Delaware’s Climate Action Plan, released in November 2021, was a year-long process involving residents, businesses and technical experts.

Since then, Delaware has undertaken a variety of implementation actions, including legislative initiatives, efforts to increase energy efficiency and take advantage of renewable energy, helping consumers, and increased outreach and education.

2021 Climate Plan Documents

Delaware’s Climate Action Plan
Executive Summary

El Plan de Acción Climática del Estado de Delaware
Resumen Ejecutivo

Supporting Documents

2023 Implementation Report

Delaware Climate Resilience Actions Summary 2013-2020

Modeled Greenhouse Gas
Emissions Report

Working Lands Report

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