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 Pages Categorized With: "division homepage"

Division of Watershed Stewardship

The DNREC Division of Watershed Stewardship manages and protects the state’s soil, water and coastlines. It uses a comprehensive array of watershed-based programs to ensure proper stewardship of Delaware’s natural resources. Watershed Assessment and Management

Division of Fish and Wildlife

The DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife conserves and manages Delaware’s fish and wildlife and their habitats, and provides fishing, hunting, wildlife viewing and boating access on approximately 68,000 acres of public land. The division oversees wildlife resource conservation and control of mosquito populations and offers hunter, boating and aquatic education programs. It provides licenses

Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy

The DNREC Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy uses an integrated approach of applied science, education, policy development, and incentives to address Delaware’s climate, energy and coastal challenges. Climate and Sustainability Programs The Climate and

Division of Parks and Recreation

The DNREC Division of Parks and Recreation oversees more than 20,000 acres in 17 state parks, manages state nature preserves, and monitors conservation easements protecting more than 4,000 acres of land. The division preserves cultural and historic resources, from a Civil War-era fort to elegant estates. And it provides a wide variety of recreational and

Division of Air Quality

The DNREC Division of Air Quality monitors the ambient air quality and regulates air emissions, asbestos removal and open burning. The division maintains emission inventories from various source types and develops the State’s clean air implementation plans. And the division advises the Secretary of DNREC on possible new air regulations and supports the enforcement of

Office of the Secretary

The DNREC Office of the Secretary provides leadership, overall policy guidance, and central administrative services to support the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC). Secretary: Shawn M. Garvin Deputy Secretary: Lisa Borin Ogden

DNREC Division of Water

The DNREC Division of Water manages and protects Delaware’s water resources. It performs applied research and provides technical assistance, laboratory services, and regulatory guidance and implementation. Residential Services The Residential Services Section serves property owners,

Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances

The DNREC Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances encourages waste reduction, reuse, and recycling; ensures compliance with waste and hazardous substance management laws; leads investigation and clean-up of contaminated sites; regulates installation, operation, removal and remediation of tanks storing petroleum and hazardous substances; ensures boilers and pressure vessels are inspected to prevent catastrophic failures; provides comprehensive

Delaware Coastal Programs

The Coastal Programs Section of the Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy serves as the Department’s research, education, and policy lead for coastal and ocean issues. It helps manage Delaware’s federal coastal zone and balance the use and protection of its resources through the integrated efforts of the Delaware Coastal Management Program and Delaware National Estuarine Research

Division of Community Affairs

The DNREC Division of Community Affairs oversees environmental enforcement, offers free business assistance and manages marketing communications. The division coordinates with federal, state and local authorities to ensure compliance with environmental laws and regulations. It evaluates and modifies statutes, and serves as the Department’s liaison to lawmakers, journalists and constituents.
