Pages Categorized With: "Hearing"
Public Comments: Low Emission Vehicle Program Hearing
This page holds public comments submitted to DNREC for the Low Emission Vehicle Program Public Hearing (Docket #2022-R-A-0011). Submitted comments are organized by date. Comments are posted using the name of the commenter, where provided, or the email address from which it was submitted.Solicitud de permiso para la instalación de Bioenergy Devco, LLC: Actualización para reflejar el cambio en las emisiones para el Permiso de aire y para destacar que existe documentación actualizada de respaldo disponible para los Permisos de agua
Tenga en cuenta que este Aviso legal refleja un cambio en las emisiones anuales por aire para los óxidos de nitrógeno (NOX) para el RTO desde 0.307 toneladas por año a 1.104 toneladas por año. El límite revisado de emisiones de NOX no tiene un impacto en los modelos a corto plazo ni en laAplikasyon Pèmi Sant Bioenergy Devco, LLC —Mizajou pou reflete chanjman emisyon pou Pèmi Lè epi pou Note Dokimantasyon Sipò Aktyalize Disponib pou Pèmi Dlo
Tanpri note Notifikasyon Legal sa reflete yon chanjman nan emisyon lè anyèl pou oksid nitwojèn (NOX, an anglè) pou RTO a soti nan 0.307 tòn pa ane pou ale nan 1.104 tòn pa ane. Limit emisyon NOX (oksid nitwojèn) revize a pa gen enpak sou modelizasyon a kou tèm oubyen evalyasyon aplikabilite reglemantè ki teDNREC Exhibits — Docket #2022-R-A-0010
This page contains proposed DNREC public hearing exhibits for Docket #2022-R-A-0010 (7 DE Admin. Code 1131 “Low Enhanced Inspection and Maintenance Program. Plan for Implementation (PFI)”) to be heard on Sept. 29, 2022. Public Hearing Transcript for Docket #2022-R-A-0010
DNREC Exhibits — Docket #2022-R-A-0002
This page contains proposed DNREC public hearing exhibits for Docket #2022-R-A-0002 (7 DE Admin. Code 1131 “Low Enhanced Inspection and Maintenance Program – Kent and New Castle Counties”) to be heard on Sept. 29, 2022. Public Hearing Transcript for Docket #2022-R-A-0002
DNREC Exhibits — Docket #2022-R-A-0001
This page contains proposed DNREC public hearing exhibits for Docket #2022-R-A-0001 (7 DE Admin. Code 1126 “Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program”) to be heard on Sept. 29, 2022. Public Hearing Transcript for Docket #2022-R-A-0001
Bioenergy Innovation Center Project
Bioenergy Devco, LLC, will expand its Bioenergy Innovation Center, in Seaford, to produce renewable natural gas from organic wastes. The project required multiple permits from the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC). Those permits have now been issued. Secretary’s Order Secretary’sDonald Burdick Comment 2
This page contains a comment, with appendices, submitted by Donald Burdick to the public record for public hearing Docket #2022-P-W-0008 regarding an application by Sussex County for Construction and Operations Permits for the Inland Bays Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility. Donald Burdick 2 (6/7/22) –DSPC Public Hearing: Div. of Water Exhibits
A list of public hearing exhibits submitted for the record by the Div. of Water, Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Section, for the Sept. 29, 2020, Diamond State Port Corporation public hearing (Docket #2020-P-MULTI-0024). Exhibit 1: Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Section Application (Original) (3/13/20) Exhibit 2: Army Corps Permit Application (3/13/20)DSPC Public Hearing: Div. of Waste and Hazardous Substances Exhibits
A list of public hearing exhibits submitted for the record by the Div. of Waste and Hazardous Substances for the Sept. 29, 2020, Diamond State Port Corporation public hearing (Docket #2020-P-MULTI-0024). Exhibit 1: Application with Attachments Figure 1 – Facility Location Map Figure 2 – MonitoringDSPC Public Hearing: DCMP Exhibits
A list of public hearing exhibits submitted for the record by the Delaware Coastal Management Program for the Sept. 29, 2020, Diamond State Port Corporation public hearing (Docket #2020-P-MULTI-0024). Exhibit 1: Federal Consistency Application, dated and received March 18, 2020 Exhibit 2: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Permit Application, ApplicationPublic Hearing Comment Registration
Those wishing to offer verbal comments during DNREC virtual public hearings must pre-register using the form below.Contact Us
Office of the Secretary 302-739-9001