
Public Workshop: Natural Minor (Reg. 1102) Permitting Fees

Division of Air Quality
Start Date: February 9, 2020
End Date: February 26, 2020

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control’s Division of Air Quality (DNREC-DAQ) will hold a public workshop to present revised Natural Minor (Reg. 1102) Permitting Fees.


A workshop will be held on February 26, 2020, beginning at 1:30 PM in the Auditorium of the R&R Building – located at 89 Kings Highway, Dover, DE 19901. 

The Division of Air Quality at DNREC will host a public workshop to discuss proposed changes to the Natural Minor (Reg. 1102) Permitting Fees.  The current fees were established in 1991 and have not been adjusted in 29 years.  The Division of Air Quality, through the legislative process, will propose increases to the current fees, in three phases, to eventually transition to a self-sustaining program.  Currently, the fees provide approximately 25% of the program costs.  The first three-year phase, 2021-2023, will increase fees a sufficient amount to produce revenue equal to 50% of the program costs.  DNREC anticipates future fee adjustments based on program costs, in 2024 and 2027 through subsequent legislation. The proposed fee adjustments will be discussed at the workshop and there will be opportunity for feedback from attendees.

For additional information on the above matter contact our Project Team Leaders (Angela Marconi or Tony Manson), Division of Air Quality, 100 W. Water Street, Suite 6A, Dover, DE 19904, by phone at (302) 739-9402.  If preferred, please send your email comments or questions to

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