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 Pages Tagged With: "young environmentalist"

Generation Green: Delaware’s Youth Lead the Charge in Environmental Action

Everybody is affected by the state of our environment. Today, young people are often leading the charge in environmental action, getting involved in the annual school Envirothon competition, tackling individual projects aimed at benefiting nature and pursuing environmental-based careers.

Young Environmentalist of the Year

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control honors young Delawareans each year who have put their passions into projects that benefit our environment. Young Environmentalist of the Year Award winners are honored in a special ceremony at the Delaware State Fair.

Nominate a Young Environmentalist of the Year

Help us find young Delawareans who have put their passions into projects that benefit our environment. Use the form below to nominate a young person for a Young Environmentalist of the Year Award.

Contact Us

Joanna Wilson DNREC Public Affairs 302-739-9902
