Pages Tagged With: "stormwater management"
D.R. Horton plans to use a Corps of Engineers nationwide permit to build stormwater management facilities associated with a proposed 1,114-unit residential subdivision northeast of the intersection of Moose Lodge Road and Willow Grove Road, in Wyoming.
D.R. Horton planifye pou itilize yon pèmi nasyonal Corps of Engineers pou konstwi enstalasyon jesyon dlo lapli ki asosye ak yon pwopozisyon 1,114-inite rezidansyèl ibanizasyon nan nòdès entèseksyon Moose Lodge Road ak Willow Grove Road nan Wyoming.
The Sediment and Stormwater Program proposes to rescind the adoption of the Appoquinimink River Watershed Stormwater Management Plan’s standards and criteria for stormwater control, now redundant.