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 Pages Tagged With: "applications"

I-ADAPT: A Flood Planning and Adaptation Tool

The Individual Adaptation Decision and Planning Tool, I-ADAPT, is designed to help Delaware residents adapt to increased flooding. Users enter information about their property and the tool generates recommendations on how to lower their flood risk.  As Delaware residents experience flooding events more frequently due to climate change induced sea

Coastal Zone Act Application Materials

Manufacturing, heavy industry, and bulk product transfer activities since 1971 in Delaware’s coastal zone require a coastal zone permit in addition to other applicable DNREC permits.

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Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Section Applications

Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Section applications for permits, leases and map changes.

Air Quality Permit Applications

Delaware state law requires air quality permits for equipment which has the potential to discharge air contaminants into the atmosphere. State regulations (7 DE Admin. Code, 1102) establish permitting procedures and requirements.
The Division of Air Quality is working with the regulated community on a proposal to increase

Doing Business With DNREC Online

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control offers a number of online applications and tools to make it easier to interact with the agency.
