A virtual meeting to discuss clean water, drinking water, and stormwater issues and hold a public hearing on CWSRF and DWSRF FFY 2020 Revised Project Priority Lists (PPLs) and Revised Intended Use Plans (IUPs).
The Water Infrastructure Advisory Council (WIAC) will hold a public hearing to present the CWSRF and DWSRF FFY 2020 Revised Project Priority Lists (PPLs) and Revised Intended Use Plans (IUPs).
Those wishing to make a public comment at that hearing must register prior to 9 a.m. of the day of the hearing by calling or emailing Laura Rafferty, at 302-739-9941 or laura.rafferty@delaware.gov. The Public Record will remain open for written comments until Nov. 20, 2020.
The Council initiates, develops and recommends to the Delaware General Assembly projects for the planning, construction, repair, renovation or expansion of drinking water and wastewater facilities.
For more information, contact the Environmental Finance Office, at 302-739-9941.
Public Meeting Calendar Notice