The Division of Water will conduct a virtual public hearing (Docket #2020-P-W-0026) on a construction permit application and associated draft permit regarding Artesian Wastewater Management, Inc.’s wastewater infrastructure and an on-site wastewater treatment and disposal system permit modification for the Beaver Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. Public comment period closed.
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Closed-captioning available by request if made at least 7 days before the event.
Artesian proposes to construct approximately eleven thousand seven hundred and thirty-five linear feet (11,735 LF) of twelve (12) inch diameter force main from their existing twelve (12) inch diameter force main at the intersection of the Lewes-Georgetown Highway (Rt. 9) and Gravel Hill Road (Rt. 30), continuing west on Rt. 9 to the Steiner Road intersection, continuing south on Steiner Road approximately one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet to the railroad tracks, and then continuing approximately three thousand five hundred (3,500) feet along the railroad tracks to the Park Avenue intersection in Sussex County. The purpose of this force main extension is to allow a future twelve (12) inch diameter Sussex County force to interconnect with the proposed Artesian force main on Park Avenue. This interconnection will allow Sussex County to utilize the Artesian Beaver Creek WWTP for some of their customers in this area.
The Division of Water is hereby noticing its determination to modify Artesian Wastewater Management, Inc.’s Beaver Creek WWTP On-Site Wastewater Treatment and Disposal System Operations Permit. The Permit authorizes the treatment of domestic wastewater in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) treatment system and discharge of treated wastewater (effluent) into six (6) rapid infiltration basins (RIBs) for final disposal. The proposed draft permit modification enhances notification and reporting requirements to the Division for the interconnections.
Those wishing to offer verbal comments during the virtual public hearing must pre-register no later than noon on Nov. 7, 2020, at or by telephone at 302-739-9295.
The Department will accept public comment through the close of business on Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2020. Comments pertaining to the above matter will be accepted in written form via email to, using the online form at, or by U.S. mail to the address below.
Docket #2020-P-W-0026
Lisa A. Vest
DNREC Office of the Secretary
89 Kings Highway
Dover, DE 19901
Secretary’s Order No. 2021-W-0034 — Approving Permit Applications of Artesian Wastewater Management, Inc. (“Artesian”), for (1) Wastewater Facilities Construction Permit Application and associated Draft Permit (WPCC 3007/20) (“Force Main Construction Permit Application”); and (2) On-Site Wastewater Treatment and Disposal System Operations Permit Amendment for the Beaver Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility (“Beaver Creek Permit Amendment”) (Effective Date: Dec. 21, 2021)
Exhibit 1: Application for the Construction of Wastewater Collection and Conveyance System
Exhibit 2: Application Construction Plans
Exhibit 3: Legal Notice of Application
Exhibit 4: Hearing Requests
Exhibit 5: Legal Notices of Hearing
Exhibit 6: DRAFT Permit WPCC 3007/20
Exhibit 7: DNREC Hearing Presentation for Permit WPCC 3007/20
Exhibit 8: DRAFT Amended Beaver Creek WWTP Operations and Maintenance Permit 359014-06
Exhibit 9: DNREC Hearing Presentation for DRAFT Permit 359014-06
Exhibit 1: Artesian Public Heairng Presentation
Exhibit 2: Artesian Comments on DrRAFT Permit Permit 359014-06
Keith Coffin (10/13/20)
Benjamin Gordy (10/16/20)
Val Escobar (10/21/20)
Hans Medlarz, Sussex County Engineering Department (10/30/20)
Mike Besche (11/13/20)
Leslie KL Elliot (11/13/20)
Harold E. Dukes, Jr. (11/13/20)
William E. Pala (11/13/20)
John Vincent (11/13/20)
Keith Steck (12/3/20)
Shelly Cohen (12/3/20)