
Before the Environmental Appeals Board: Appeals 2021-08, 09 and 10 (Consolidated) (Postponed)

Date and Time:
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
9:00 am

DNREC Auditorium
89 Kings Highway
Dover, Delaware

The Delaware Environmental Appeals Board will hold a hearing on three appeals related to a proposal to construct a new container port on the Delaware River. This EAB Hearing has been postponed

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The appeals challenge the decision of the DNREC Secretary in Secretary’s Order No. 2021-W/CCE-0026, dated September 30, 2021. They were filed by:

  • The Philadelphia Regional Port Authority (EAB 2021-08)
  • The Port Operators (EAB 2021-09)
  • Walter F. Curran (EAB 2021-10)

More information these appeals can be found on the webpage of the Delaware Environmental Appeals Board.

This will be a hybrid hearing, hosted on a virtual hearing platform with an anchor location at the auditorium of the Richardson and Robbins building, in Dover.

The Board shall reach its decision based on the record before the Secretary and evidence presented by the parties. The Board may affirm, reverse, or remand the decision of the Secretary. Pursuant to 7 Del. C. § 6008(a), the Board may enter into executive session for deliberation.

For more information, contact the Environmental Appeals Board staff at 302-739-9001.

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