
DNREC E-Mail Lists

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) provides e-mail list subscriptions on a variety of subjects. To subscribe, click the link to either send a blank e-mail or fill out a subscription form.

The DNREC Digital Newsletter

Become a subscriber to receive the latest updates from the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC).

The monthly newsletter contains news, upcoming events and meetings, highlights from Outdoor Delaware online magazine, job openings, updates to programs and services, stunning photography and more.

You can also subscribe to receive DNREC news releases as they are posted and/or to receive Outdoor Delaware articles as they are published.

Regulations, Permitting and Enforcement

DNREC Public Notices — Get DNREC public notices about meetings, hearings and more.

Notices of Violation — Get updates on all notices of violation issued by DNREC.

The Delaware Coastal Zone Act — Get updates on Coastal Zone Act (CZA) permit and status decision requests.

Hazardous Waste Program Updates — Get updates on the hazardous waste regulatory program.

Outdoors and Recreation

Delaware State Parks e-Newsletter — Get news about Delaware state parks, information about events and programs, and money-saving coupons and promotions.

Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserve Updates — Get the latest updates on research, stewardship and education activities at the Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserve.

DNREC Fisheries — Get notices of fishing regulation changes, fisheries public hearings and workshops, and Finfish or Shellfish Advisory Council meeting notices and agendas.

DNREC Wildlife — Get updates on wildlife conservation, hunting and other subjects from the Wildlife section, including information about advisory council meetings.

Health and Safety

Ozone Alerts — Get notified of when ozone levels in Delaware reach unhealthy levels.

Mosquito Control Spraying — Use the Mosquito Control spray zone map to identify your location and then subscribe for updates for your spray zone area via the Delaware Notification Service (DNS).

Recreational Water Quality Monitoring — Get notified when the water quality at monitored beaches requires an advisory or closure.

Source Water Protection — Get drinking water-related announcements, including Source Water Protection and Citizen and Technical Advisory Committee (CTAC) meeting information.

Watersheds, Wetlands and Stormwater

The Delaware Watersheds Newsletter — Subscribe for the latest information on watersheds.

The Delaware Wetlands Newsletter — Subscribe for the latest information on wetlands.

Sediment and Stormwater Updates — Get updates from the Sediment and Stormwater program.

Coastal and Climate

Climate Action Plan — Get updates about opportunities to provide input on the 2025 Climate Action Plan and learn about progress towards implementing Delaware’s plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving resilience to climate change impacts.

Climate Leadership Academy — Get updates about educational programs, training, digital resources, and in-person networking opportunities offered by the Climate Leadership Academy, which aims to build climate literacy and awareness in the state. 

Clean Cities Coalition Mailing List — Get updates about Coalition meetings, events, and other opportunities as Delaware works to save energy and promote the use of alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies in transportation.

Coastal Training — Subscribe to receive emails from the DNERR Coastal Training Program with resources (tools, trainings and learning opportunities, funding opportunities) available to community leaders, natural resource managers and decision-makers to help plan for safe and more sustainable communities.

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