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Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Permits

Authorization from the DNREC Wetlands and Waterways Section is required for activities in tidal wetlands or in tidal and non-tidal waters in the State of Delaware. The Section issues various types of authorizations depending upon the location and type of activity proposed.
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What’s Regulated?

The state regulates activities in tidal wetlands and in tidal and non-tidal waters in the State of Delaware. Wetlands in Delaware are regulated under the Delaware Wetland Regulations (7 DE Admin. Code 7502), the Regulations Governing the Use of Subaqueous Lands (7 DE Admin. Code 7504) and the

State Regulated Wetlands Map Index

To determine if you have state-regulated tidal wetlands on your property, browse or search the index map to find and download maps of state-regulated wetlands. [giciframe

Are There Wetlands on My Property?

The State of Delaware and the federal government both have laws and regulations that govern wetlands, but they use different methods for determining the location and extent of the wetlands they regulate.

Contact Us

Matt Jones 302-739-9943

Wetlands and Waterways

The DNREC Wetlands and Waterways Section provides permitting services for activities in Delaware’s wetlands, bays, rivers, streams, lakes, ponds and other waterways that might require a permit under state law. Are There Wetlands on My Property? Learn the differences between state-regulated and federally-regulated wetlands and how you
