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Doing Business With DNREC Online

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control offers a number of online applications and tools to make it easier to interact with the agency.

Vision, Mission, Values and Priorities

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) envisions a Delaware that offers a healthy environment where people embrace a commitment to the protection, enhancement and enjoyment of the environment in their daily lives; where Delawareans’ stewardship of natural resources ensures the sustainability of these resources for the appreciation and enjoyment of future generations; and where people recognize that a healthy environment and a strong economy support one another.

DNREC Open Data

DNREC has added a number of datasets to the Delaware Open Data Portal and will continue to add data based on agency priorities and public requests.

DNREC Social Media

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) maintains many social media accounts across its varied divisions and offices that provide updates on issues, activities, and volunteer opportunities, among other subjects. Follow the Department (@DelawareDNREC) on several major social media platforms. [button type=”primary”

How Can We Help?

We’re here to help. The people of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) provide information and assistance across a wide spectrum of topics and for specific needs. You can get immediate help with environmental issues, search for contacts by subject, or find contact information by Division and program.
