
Surface Water Discharges Section, NPDES Permit Reissuance: Greenville Country Club

Division of Water
Start Date: July 21, 2019
End Date: August 20, 2019

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Division of Water, hereby gives notice that Greenville Country Club has applied for reissuance of its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. DE0021709 (State Number WPCC 3079H/75) to discharge treated sanitary wastewater from Greenville Country Club located at 201 Owl’s Best Road, New Castle County, Delaware, to a tributary of Red Clay Creek.  The wastewater treatment process includes a flow equalization tank, bar screen, aeration plant, and UV disinfection.

Based on a preliminary staff review and application of lawful standards and regulations, the Department proposes to re-issue this permit, subject to certain effluent limitations and conditions.  The proposed determinations are tentative. Persons wishing to comment upon or object to the proposed determinations are invited to submit same in writing to the Surface Water Discharges Section of the Division of Water, at the address listed below, no later than 30 days from this notice.  All comments received prior to said date will be considered in the formulation of final determinations regarding this application.

A public hearing on the above will NOT be held unless the Secretary of DNREC receives a request by 4:30 pm on August 20, 2019, or if the Secretary determines that a public hearing is in the public interest.  A request for a hearing shall be in writing and shall state the nature of the issues to be raised at the hearing.  It must also show familiarity with the proposal and a reasoned statement of the permit’s probable impact.

The applications, fact sheets, and permits are available for inspection or copies may be obtained by contacting:

Division of Water
Surface Water Discharges Section
89 Kings Highway
Dover, DE 19901
(302) 739-9946

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