Adkins, Inc (5-33-20.00-10.00) – To extend an existing boat ramp by installing a 20 by 4 foot long concrete pad and to construct two wing walls and one 3 by 8 foot long access pier in an unnamed lagoon adjacent to the Little Assawoman Bay at 37291 Lighthouse Road, Treasure Beach Campground, Selbyville, Sussex County, DE
Richard Yockman (134-13.00-1371.00) – To repair a 5 by 5 foot long section of dock, to construct a new 5 by 5 foot long section of dock, to install two (2) PWC lifts, and to replenish an existing revetment by placing 10 cubic yards of rip-rap in the Bethany Beach Canal, located at 424 Canal Way West, Salt Pond, Bethany Beach, Sussex County, DE
Bunting Macks, LLC (533-17.00-71.00, 533-17.00-72.00, 533-17.00-82.00 and 533-17.00-94.00) – To relocate 4,089 linear feet of an existing ditch by filling 49,217 square feet of channel and creating 4,570 linear feet of stream, impacting 49,205 square feet of channel, and to construct two (2) road crossings with associated utility lines for construction of the proposed Coastal Villages subdivision, in portions of Prong 9 and Sub 6 – Prong 9 of Bear Hole Tax Ditch, located adjacent to 37034 Hudson Road, in Selbyville, Sussex County, DE
Ocean View Land Development, LLC (134-8.00-154.00) – To repair an existing 150 foot long section of bulkhead by placing up to 170 cubic yards of rip-rap along the base of the bulkhead in Whites Creek, at Sandy Cove Marina, located at 37682 Sandy Trap Drive, in Ocean View, Sussex County, DE
Town of Henlopen Acres (334-14.09-10.00) – To mechanical maintenance dredge 6,500 cubic yards of material to a depth of 4 foot below mean low water in Henlopen Acres Marina and dispose of the dredged material via water-tight dump truck to an existing confined disposal area located at the terminus of Anglers Road, Lewes, Sussex County, DE
Sussex County (334-19.08-154.00) – To install by directional bore a 8-inch diameter 160 foot long waste water pipeline at a minimum depth of 17 feet below the mudline of Lewes & Rehoboth Canal adjacent to Oyster House Road and SR1 connecting Pump Station 202 to City of Rehoboth waste water treatment plant in Rehoboth Beach, Sussex County, DE
Adkins, Inc (5-33-20.00-10.00) – To construct a 4 by 8 foot long aluminum gangway connected to a previously authorized structure, a 2 by 6 foot long landing and a 6 by 50 foot long floating dock for community use in the Little Assawoman Bay at 37291 Lighthouse Road, Treasure Beach Campground, Selbyville, Sussex County, DE
Bora Bora Street, LLC (1-34-23.12-125.00) – To remove an existing structure and to construct a 3 by 17 foot long wetland walkway over federally regulated wetlands, a 4 by 45 foot long pier, a 6 by 27 foot long linear dock and to install a boatlift with four (4) associated pilings in the Little Assawoman Bay at 1310 Bora Bora Street, Fenwick Island, Sussex County, DE
Graeme Lake (134-12.00-2031.00) – To construct a 3 by 40 foot long section of pier, 4 by 40 foot long pier, 5 by 30 foot long dock and four (4) stand-alone pilings in Whites Creek, located at 8 DeMarie Drive, Grand View Shores, in Ocean View, Sussex County, DE
These Documents/Applications above are available for review by contacting:
Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Section
89 Kings Highway
Dover, DE 19901
If you have any comments, please return this memo to this office by February 25, 2020.
A public hearing on the above applications will NOT be held unless the Secretary of DNREC determines that a public hearing is in the public interest or if a written meritorious objection to the application is received within 20 days from this notice. Please indicate in your letter whether your intention is to request a public hearing or whether you are simply providing comments for the Department’s consideration. If a public hearing is desired, please be advised that a public hearing request shall be deemed meritorious if it exhibits familiarity with the application and provides a reasoned statement of the action’s probable impact.
Related Topics: permitting and regulation, public notice, subaqueous lands, water, wetlands