
Public Workshops: Air Quality Regulation Revisions

Division of Air Quality
Start Date: September 25, 2019
End Date: October 16, 2019

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC), Division of Air Quality (DAQ) will conduct two public workshops to receive input and feedback from the public on the department’s current efforts on revising the following regulation:

  • 7 DE Admin. Code 1124 Section 26 “Gasoline Dispensing Facility Stage I Vapor Recovery” and Section 36 “Vapor Emission Control at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities.”

Two workshops will be held, as scheduled below, and the public can participate at either location:

  1. Tuesday October 15, 2019; beginning at 10:00AM; in the Pat Ellis Conference Room, Tank Management Section-DNREC, 391 Lukens Drive, New Castle, DE 19720.
  2. Wednesday October 16, 2019; beginning at 6:30PM; in the DNREC Auditorium, Richardson & Robbins Building, 89 Kings Highway, Dover, DE 19901. 

The objectives of revising 7 DE Admin. Code 1124 Section 26 and Section 36 are (1) to decommission Stage II vapor recovery systems at Delaware Gasoline Dispensing Facilities (GDFs), and (2) to set up effective controls on vapor emissions from GDFs’ gasoline underground storage tanks (USTs) and aboveground storage tanks (ASTs).

The draft language of 7 DE Admin. Code 1124 Section 26 and Section 36 will be available for public review prior to the workshop in DAQ’s offices at (1) 715 Grantham Lane, New Castle, DE, and (2) 100 W. Water Street, Suite 6A, Dover, DE.  The draft language will be also available for review at the Department’s website for air regulations under development:

Contact information:

Frank Gao
DNREC Division of Air Quality
State Street Commons, Suite 6A
100 W. Water Street, Dover 19904
(302) 739-9042

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