
Compliance and Permitting Training

DNREC’s Compliance and Permitting Section (CAPS) offers training on waste management regulations.

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Compliance and Permitting Section

Some trainings are offered via webinar and recorded for future viewing. Some are pre-recorded and offered for viewing at any time.

This page includes training session presentations and (when available) recordings of the training sessions.

Hazardous Waste Reporting Training

Large Quantity Generators

Jan. 11, 2022

This training covers when and how Large Quantity Generators (LQG) need to complete their Hazardous Waste Report, how Waste-end Assessment (WEA) fees are assessed, and how to document when a site is not required to submit a Hazardous Waste Report.

Training Materials

Hazardous Waste Reporting Presentation

Questions and Answers

RCRAInfo Industry Application Training

This video provides guidance on the RCRAInfo Industry Application. This training covers creating and managing a RCRAInfo account, accessing modules, and using electronic signatures.

For more information on the RCRAinfo Industry Application, or information on notifying and reporting hazardous waste to the Compliance and Permitting Section, please visit the reporting page.

Training Slides

RCRAInfo Industry Application Training Presentation

Pharmaceutical Waste Rule Training

This webinar, held on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, provided guidance for the Pharmaceutical Rule adopted in January 2021, addressing changes to the management standards for Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals, as well as the P075 Listing for Nicotine waste.

Training Slides

Pharmaceutical Waste Rule: Healthcare Facilities

Pharmaceutical Waste Rule: Reverse Distributors

For more information, please contact Noura Abualfaraj at 302-739-9403.

Scrap Tire Facilities Training

The videos included in this section provide guidance on how to properly manage scrap tires.

The videos contain an overview of the Scrap Tire Management Program, how to determine which scrap tire facility group applies to you, and how to properly manage a Group 1, Group 2 or Group 3 Scrap Tire Facility.

Video 1: Scrap Tire Management Program Overview

Video 2: Group 1 Scrap Tire Facilities

Video 3: Group 2 Scrap Tire Facilities

Video 4: Group 3 Scrap Tire Facilities

Generator Improvement Rule Training

Session 1: Large Quantity Generators

April 19, 2021

This training covers updates to the hazardous waste regulations pertinent to Large Quantity Generators (LQG), changes to the universal waste rule (UWR) and used oil regulations, how to navigate the regulations, how to subscribe to the CAPS’ hazardous waste email list, and instructions on using the RCRAInfo industry application.

Navigating the regulations, updates to the hazardous waste webpage, and joining the listserv

Large Quantity Generators Presentation

Changes to the Universal Waste Rule and Used Oil Regulations

RCRAInfo Industry Application

Session 2: Small and Very small Quantity Generators

April 21, 2021

This training covers updates to the hazardous waste regulations pertinent to Small Quantity Generators (SQG) and Very Small Quantity Generators (VSQG), changes to the universal waste rule (UWR) and used oil regulations, how to navigate the regulations, how to subscribe to the CAPS’ hazardous waste email list, and instructions on using the RCRAInfo industry application.

Navigating the regulations, updates to the hazardous waste webpage, and joining the listserv

Small and Very Small Quantity Generators Presentation

Changes to the Universal Waste Rule and Used Oil Regulations

RCRAInfo Industry Application

