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 Pages Tagged With: "permitting and regulation"

Town of Millsboro Wastewater Treatment and Disposal System

The Town of Millsboro has applied for a construction permit and for renewal of an operating permit for an on-site wastewater treatment and disposal system.

Planta de Tratamiento y Eliminación de Aguas Residuales de la Pueblo de Millsboro

La ciudad de Millsboro ha solicitado un permiso de construcción y la renovación de un permiso de operación para un sistema de tratamiento y eliminación de aguas residuales en el lugar.

Vil Millsboro Sistèm Tretman ak Eliminasyon Dlo Ize

Vil Millsboro te aplike pou yon pèmi konstriksyon ak pou renouvle yon pèmi fonksyònman pou yon sistèm tretman ak jete dlo ize sou plas.

Milton WWTP to SRRF Force Main Extension WPCC 3025/25

Artesian Wastewater Management, Inc. proposes to install sanitary sewer force main to transfer wastewater from the Town of Milton to an existing force main and connect to the Sussex Regional Reclamation Facility.

Extensión de Tubería de Milton WWTP a la SRRF WPCC 3025/25

Artesian Wastewater Management, Inc. propone instalar de tubería de impulsión de aguas residuales para transferir aguas residuales desde el Pueblo de Milton a una tubería de impulsión existente y se conectará con la planta de tratamiento Sussex.

Water Allocation Permit: Town of Smyrna / Liborio Investments

The Town of Smyrna has requested a modification of an existing water allocation permit for a well located on Mistmeadow Drive, in Smyrna.

Permiso de Asignación: Town of Smyrna / Liborio Investments

La ciudad de Smyrna ha solicitado una modificación de un permiso de asignación de agua existente para un pozo ubicado en Mistmeadow Drive, en Smyrna.

Pèmi Alokasyon: Town of Smyrna / Liborio Investments

Vil Smyrna te mande yon modifikasyon nan yon pèmi alokasyon dlo ki egziste deja pou yon pi ki sitiye sou Mistmeadow Drive, nan Smyrna.

Wetlands and Waterways Permit Applications

A listing of recent applications to the DNREC Wetlands and Waterways Section.

Solicitudes de Permiso de Pantanos y Canales

Una colección de solicitudes recientes a la Sección de Pantanos y Canales del DNREC.

Aplikasyon Pèmi pou Zòn ki Imid ak Wout Dlo

Yon koleksyon aplikasyon ki sot pase nan Seksyon DNREC Zòn ki Imid ak wout dlo.

Application for a Permit for Construction Seaward of the DNREC Building Line

Cindy Bischoff has applied for a permit to construct a single-family dwelling with a cantilevered deck/porch on Lot 11, in Bethany Village.

Federal Consistency Determination: USDA Bibi Buksh Farm LLC Solar (2025.0020)

The applicant proposes to use federal funds to install 281 ground-mounted solar panels at 794 Pearsons Corner Road, Hartly.

Determinación de Constancia Federal: USDA Bibi Buksh Farm LLC Solar (2025.0020)

El solicitante propone utilizar fondos del Departamento de Agricultura Desarrollo Rural de EE.UU. para la construcción de 281 paneles solares en 794 Pearsons Corner Road, Hartly.

Detèminasyon Konsistans Federal: USDA Bibi Buksh Farm LLC Solè (2025.0020)

Aplikan an pwopoze pou itilize fon Depatman Agrikilti, Devlopman Riral Ameriken pou konstriksyon 281 panno solè ki monte sou tè a nan 794 Pearsons Corner Road, Hartly.

7 DE Admin. Code 1102 Natural Minor Temporary Permit Applications: Delmarva Power and Light

Delmarva Power and Light requests temporary permits to construct and operate six diesel-fired portable generators at their facility located at 800 Delmarva Lane, in Wilmington.

7 DE Código de Admin. 1102 Solicitudes de Permisos Temporales Naturales Menores: Delmarva Power and Light

Delmarva Power and Light solicita permisos temporales para construir y operar generadores portátiles a diésel en sus instalaciones ubicadas en 800 Delmarva Lane, Wilmington, Condado de New Castle.

Pending Hazardous and/or Non-Hazardous Solid Waste Transporter Permits

A listing of recent applications to the DNREC Div. of Waste and Hazardous Substances for permits to transport hazardous and/or non-hazardous solid wastes in, out of, or through the State of Delaware.

Federal Consistency Certification: Delaware Electric Cooperative Expansion (2025.0019)

Delaware Electric Cooperative proposes to use a federal permit to expand their headquarters onto 9.3 acres of agricultural land west of Cart Branch Road, in Greenwood.

Water Well Licenses

The DNREC Division of Water issues licenses for Water Well Contractors, Pump Installer Contractors, Well Drillers and Pump Installers. Licenses are required for all persons who perform these tasks in Delaware.

Contact Us

Div. of Water Licensing 302-739-9116

Wastewater Construction and Operating Permit: Christiana Excavating Co.

Christiana Excavating Co. has applied for a permit for an on-site wastewater treatment and disposal system for a proposed warehouse storage facility in Milford.

Water Allocation Permit Applications

Water allocation applications have been submitted for farms in Bridgeville and Dagsboro.

Solicitudes de Permisos de Aasignación de Agua

Se han presentado solicitudes de asignación de agua para granjas en Bridgeville y Dagsboro.

Aplikasyon pou Pèmi pou Alokasyon Dlo

Yo te soumèt aplikasyon pou alokasyon dlo pou fèm nan Bridgeville ak Dagsboro.

Pending Hazardous and/or Non-Hazardous Solid Waste Transporter Permits

A listing of recent applications to the DNREC Div. of Waste and Hazardous Substances for permits to transport hazardous and/or non-hazardous solid wastes in, out of, or through the State of Delaware.

Town of Millsboro Wastewater Treatment and Disposal System

The Town of Millsboro has applied for a construction permit and for renewal of an operating permit for an on-site wastewater treatment and disposal system.

Water Allocation Permits

The Eliason Farm and Paul Riddle have applied for water allocation permits for wells located in Harrington and Millsboro.

Permiso de Asignación de Agua

Eliason Farm y Paul Riddle han solicitado permisos de asignación de agua para pozos ubicados en Harrington y Millsboro.

Pèmi Alokasyon Dlo

Eliason Farm ak Paul Riddle te aplike pou alokasyon dlo pou pi ki sitiye nan Harrington ak Millsboro.

Wetlands and Waterways Permit Applications

A collection of applications to the DNREC Wetlands and Waterways Section.

Solicitudes de Permiso de Pantanos y Canales

Una colección de solicitudes recientes a la Sección de Pantanos y Canales del DNREC.

Aplikasyon Pèmi pou Zòn ki Imid ak Wout Dlo

Yon koleksyon aplikasyon ki sot pase nan Seksyon DNREC Zòn ki Imid ak wout dlo.

Application for a Permit for Construction Seaward of the DNREC Building Line

Jim Stolarski has applied for a permit for construction seaward of the DNREC Building Line to build a single-family dwelling with a cantilevered deck/porch on Lot 10 in the Town of South Bethany.

Pending Hazardous and/or Non-Hazardous Solid Waste Transporter Permits

A listing of recent applications to the DNREC Div. of Waste and Hazardous Substances for permits to transport hazardous and/or non-hazardous solid wastes in, out of, or through the State of Delaware.

7 DE Admin. Code 1102 Natural Minor Permit Applications: Road Site Construction, Inc.

Road Site Construction, Inc. requests a permit amendment to operate an impact crusher at the Nylon Capital Shopping Center, located at 1023 West Stein Highway, in Seaford.

Federal Consistency Determination: HUD Mispillion Station II (2025.0018)

The Mispillion Apartment Complex proposes to receive a HUD Low-Income Housing Tax Credit for the improvement and construction of apartment buildings and amenities in Milford.

Determinación de Constancia Federal: Estación HUD Mispillion II (2025.0018)

El complejo de apartamentos Mispillion propone recibir del HUDun crédito fiscal para la mejora y construcción de edificios de apartamentos y servicios en Milford.

Federal Consistency Certification: Dobbinsville Fishing Pier and Parking Improvements (2025.0016)

The DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife proposes to use a federal permit to build a fishing pier, a trail and parking lot improvements at Deemers Beach in the Dobbinsville area of New Castle.

Certificado de Constancia Federal: Muelle de pesca de Dobbinsville y mejoras en el aparcamiento (2025.0016)

La División de Pesca y Vida Silvestre del DNREC propone utilizar un permiso feredarl para construir un muelle de pesca, un sendero y mejoras en el aparcamiento de Deemers Beach, en la zona de Dobbinsville de New Castle.

7 DE Código de Admin. 1102 Solicitudes de Permisos Naturales Menores: Road Site Construction, Inc.

Road Site Construction, Inc. solicita una modificación del permiso ubicación para operar una trituradora de impacto en el centro comercial Nylon Capital, ubicado en 1023 West Stein Highway, Seaford.

7 DE Admin. Kòd 1102 Demann Pèmi Natirèl Minè: Road Site Construction, Inc.

Road Site Construction, Inc. mande yon pèmi amande pou kapab genyen yon machin pou kraze beton nan Nylon Capital Shopping Center, ki chita nan 1023 West Stein Highway, Seaford.

Water Allocation Permits

The Dogfish Head Brewery, in Milton, and Shelah Branch Farms, in Seaford, have applied for water allocation permits.

Permisos de Asignación de Agua

La cervecería Dogfish Head, en Milton, y Shelah Branch Farms, en Seaford, han solicitado permisos de asignación de agua.

Pèmi Alokasyon Dlo

Dogfish Head Brewery, nan Milton, ak Shelah Branch Farms, nan Seaford, te aplike pou pèmi alokasyon dlo.

Public Hearing: Graver Technologies, LLC Request for Standard Coastal Zone Permit

The DNREC Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy will conduct a public hearing on an application for a standard Coastal Zone permit from Graver Technologies for a new manufacturing process at 800 Centerpoint Boulevard, in New Castle.

Audiencia pública: Graver Technologies, LLC Solicitud de permiso estándar de zona costera

La División de Clima, Costas y Energía del DNREC llevará a cabo una audiencia pública sobre una solicitud de permiso estándar de Zona Costera de Graver Technologies para un nuevo proceso de fabricación en 800 Centerpoint Boulevard, en New Castle.

Notice of Public Hearing: Shellfish Aquaculture Regulations

The DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife will conduct a public hearing to consider comments from the public on proposed revisions to the state’s Shellfish Aquaculture regulations.

7 DE Admin. Code 1102 Natural Minor Permit Applications: Superior Contractor Services, Inc.

Superior Contractor Services requests a permit to operate two crushers and associated equipment at 350 Lafferty Lane, in Dover.

7 DE Código de Admin. 1102 Solicitudes de Permisos Naturales Menores: Superior Contractor Services, Inc.

Superior Contractor Services solicita un permiso para operar dos trituradoras y equipos asociados en 350 Lafferty Lane, en Dover.

7 DE Admin. Kòd 1102 Demann Pèmi Natirèl Minè: Superior Contractor Services, Inc.

Sèvis Kontraktè Siperyè yo mande yon pèmi pou opere de brwayeur ak ekipman ki asosye nan 350 Lafferty Lane, nan Dover.
