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 Pages Tagged With: "loans"

Community Environmental Project Fund

The Community Environmental Project Fund (CEPF) provides money to support the restoration of the environment in communities that were damaged by environmental pollution.
Applications for the latest round of CEPF grants are now closed. The next round will open in the summer of 2025.

Green Energy Program

DNREC administers rebates to promote the use of several forms of renewable energy in Delaware.

Contact Us

Application Assistance 877-453-2327 All Other Questions 302-735-3480
Application Instructions Incentive Rates [modal text=”Annual Reports” title=”Annual Reports”

Loans and Grants

Because of the the financial burden of completing environmental work at potentially contaminated properties within the State, DNREC has created different loans and grants to help property owners with remediation of contaminated properties.

Contact Us

Remediation Section 391 Lukens Drive New Castle,

Notice of Public Comment: Environmental Finance

DNREC’s Environmental Finance is seeking public comment on the Water Pollution Control Revolving Loan Fund (WPCRF) and the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) FY 2020 Project Priority Lists, and FY 2020 Intended Use Plans.

Information for Government

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Works with county and local governments to help improve the lives of Delaware residents, and the state’s natural resources. Wetlands, Flooding and Land Use Learn about freshwater wetlands and view wetland maps with the Delaware Wetland Toolbox. Find out which laws and

Environmental Finance

The DNREC Environmental Finance Office administers the Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund (also known as the Clean Water State Revolving Fund), making funding available to municipalities, private organizations, nonprofit organizations and private individuals.
There is a temporary interest rate reduction for loans under the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

Non-Point Source Program Funding

The state provides loans to both public and private sector partners to support projects that help to reduce non-point source (NPS) pollution. Non-point source pollution is any pollution that originates from a diffuse source (such as an open field or a road) and is transported to surface or ground waters through leaching or runoff.

Weatherization Assistance Program

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) offers a free Weatherization Assistance Program to help establish comfortable, energy-saving homes.

Contact Us

Application Assistance 302-504-6111 All Other Questions 302-735-3480
[modal text=”Annual Reports” title=”Weatherization Assistance Program Annual Reports” xclass=”btn btn-primary

Project Planning Advances

Funds are available to help municipal governments prepare to apply for loans for public wastewater and drinking water projects.

Contact Us

Michael Fleming DNREC Environmental Finance 97 Commerce Way, Suite 106 Dover, DE 19904 302-739-9941

Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund

The Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund provides low-interest loans and grants to municipalities, private organizations, nonprofit organizations and private individuals for projects that will improve water quality.
Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund 29 Delaware Code, §8003 (12) 67 Del. Laws, c. 291 The EPA

Water Infrastructure Advisory Council

The Water Infrastructure Advisory Council (WIAC) initiates, develops and recommends to the Delaware General Assembly projects for the planning, construction, repair, renovation or expansion of drinking water and wastewater facilities.

Contact Us

Environmental Finance 97 Commerce Way, Suite 106 Dover, DE 19904

Private Projects that Support Estuary Programs

A portion of the loan funds available from the Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund (also known as the Clean Water State Revolving Fund) are available for privately-owned water quality improvement projects that help meet the water quality goals of Delaware’s estuary management programs.
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Water Quality Improvement Loan Program

The Water Quality Improvement Loan Program provides loans to cities and towns to fund water quality improvement projects to compliment municipal wastewater treatment projects.

Contact Us

DNREC Environmental Finance 97 Commerce Way, Suite 106 Dover, DE 19904 302-739-9941
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Community Septic System Outreach

The Community Outreach Initiative identifies low- and moderate-income homeowners in the Chesapeake and Inland Bay Watersheds that may need financial assistance to replace failed and/or failing septic systems.

Contact Information

Bruce Wright First State Community Action Agency Stanford L. Bratton Bldg. 308 N. Railroad

Poultry Loan Program

The State Revolving Fund (SRF) Agricultural Nonpoint Source ( AgNPSLP) Loan Program provides a source of low interest financing for managing poultry manure, dead poultry, and other sources of poultry related pollution in an environmentally sound and cost effective manner.

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Stormwater Infrastructure Loans

The Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund provides loans for stormwater infrastructure projects as part of a 20% set-aside designed to provide funds for green infrastructure, water or energy efficiency improvements, or other environmentally innovative activities.

Contact Us

Greg Pope, P.E DNREC Environmental

Green Infrastructure Loans

The Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund (commonly known as the Clean Water State Revolving Fund) provides loans for green infrastructure projects to help meet an EPA goal to promote green infrastructure, water or energy efficiency improvements, and other environmentally innovative projects.

Contact Us

Greg Pope,

Applications and Guidance

The applications and guidance documents below are for grants and loans through the Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund and the Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. The funds provide low-interest loans and grants to municipalities, private organizations, nonprofit organizations and private individuals for projects that will improve water quality.

Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Projects

The state provides loans for the construction, repair and upgrading of municipal wastewater facilities. Loans come from the Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund (also known as the Clean Water State Revolving Fund).

Contact Us

Greg Pope, P.E DNREC Environmental Finance 97 Commerce Way,

Dairy Loan Program

The State Revolving Fund (SRF) Agricultural Nonpoint Source (AgNPSLP) Loan Program provides a source of low interest financing for managing dairy and milking parlor waste and manure in an environmentally sound and cost-effective manner.

Contact Us

Ben Coverdale DNREC Nonpoint Source Program
