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 Pages Tagged With: "dnrec"

Work for DNREC!

Join us at the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control! DNREC, an executive state agency, is broadly responsible for protecting the environment and providing outdoor recreational opportunities in our state. Our work includes studying flora and fauna, overseeing our award-winning

DNREC at the Delaware State Fair

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control welcomes Delaware State Fair visitors to DNREC’s climate-controlled building on the fairgrounds at the corner of Holloway Avenue and East Rider Road. The Fair runs from July 18 through July 27, 2024. Visitors will learn about the science behind the

Earth Day 2024

Earth Day 2024 is celebrated on April 22. This year’s theme, Planet vs. Plastics, focuses on the health risks of plastics and the need to phase out all single use plastics. At DNREC, Earth Day is what we do all year long. The Department of Natural Resources

Office of the Secretary

The DNREC Office of the Secretary provides leadership, overall policy guidance, and central administrative services to support the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC). Secretary: Shawn M. Garvin Deputy Secretary: Lisa Borin Ogden

Brand and Visual Identity: Vibrant Delaware

For more than 50 years, the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control has worked to protect, preserve, and enhance Delaware’s environment for current and future generations. The key to DNREC’s efforts is our shared mission. We all must contribute to a shared brand experience, one that educates, engages and inspires others to support

Topics of Interest

The new DNREC website organizes information both by both the organizational structure of the agency (who in DNREC does what) and by topics of interest to users (what does the person visiting the website need to know about?). Find information on some of the most popular topics.
