A sand sculpture sits out front, while inside the building, visitors check out a large map displaying different nature areas in the state, inquire about purchasing hunting licenses and put their hands on a horseshoe crab sitting in a large tank.
This is the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control’s building at the annual Delaware State Fair, one of the most popular traditions in Kent and Sussex counties. The 105th edition of the fair once again includes exhibits from DNREC aimed at educating people about the First State’s wildlife and natural areas, as well as providing services like selling hunting and fishing licenses.
Around 300,000 people visit the fair during its July run every year, and many of them stop by the intersection of Holloway Street and Rider Road to check out what DNREC has to offer.
The agency has participated in the state fair for decades, but it expanded its exhibits a few years ago.
In 2024, the Department once again offers a host of informative and entertaining displays that highlight its many duties and much of what the state has to offer in outdoor recreation. Whether you have questions about fishing regulations, want something to entertain your kids or are just hoping to cool off inside an air-conditioned building during what is invariably one of the hottest stretches of the year, the DNREC space has something for everyone.
“I want them to identify with all the resources the state has to offer, how we’re trying to protect those resources for future generations and how many opportunities there are to visit fish and wildlife areas, parks and other lands we manage,” said Pat Emory, director of the DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife. “I don’t think many people realize how many outdoor experiences they can have on properties managed by the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. So, through exhibits and interaction with staff at the DNREC State Fair building, we’re trying to make the public aware of all the outdoor opportunities that are available to them.”
Perhaps the most popular feature are the fish tanks where people can observe different kinds of fish from the Atlantic Ocean, Delaware Bay and freshwater ponds throughout the state. It’s a big draw with children, as is the nearby touch tank where people can put their hands in the water and feel rocks, starfish and a horseshoe crab.
Displays in the center of the room provide an overview of DNREC’s eight divisions, with a hazmat suit set up to highlight the DNREC Division of Waste and Hazardous Substances.
Booths enable people to interact with representatives from partner organizations like the Delaware Center for the Inland Bays, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and Delaware Mobile Surf-Fishermen and ask questions about hunting and fishing regulations. In the back room, which has been set up to look like a natural habitat, taxidermied foxes, squirrels, owls, hawks, ducks and more await. It’s an exhibit that is sure to be popular, especially with younger visitors.
“When I think of what the No. 1 goal is with DNREC’s participation at the Delaware State Fair, it’s the opportunity to provide an environment where people can learn more about DNREC, get their questions answered and better understand our mission. It’s important that Delawareans engage with our employees and see first-hand our commitment to protecting and enhancing our environment,” Lisa Myura, office manager for the Division of Fish and Wildlife, said.
“At the Delaware State Fair, while many of the displays are tailored to hunters and anglers, the other divisions are represented and employees are on site to answer questions on all things from energy efficiency to regulations to wetland conservation efforts and enforcement. We are a large organization and our employees work extremely hard, so it’s nice when the public gets a chance to have an informal discussion on the topics they too are passionate about and visiting the DNREC building at the Delaware State fair gives them that opportunity.”
Just around the corner from the building, past the giant horseshoe crab statue, is an airstream trailer managed by the DNREC Division of Parks and Recreation. There, people can buy state park swag and learn about the state’s 17 award-winning parks. It’s a favorite stop for the many who love Delaware’s parks.
Taking place again this year is a fishing contest where people can try to catch bass at Lums Pond, Killens Pond and Trap Pond. One fish at each location has been tagged, and the first person at each location to catch the fish, take a photograph of it and clip the tag will win a four-night stay at the Delaware State Parks, along with a parks pass.
Visitors who buy their hunting or boating registration for the 2024-25 season at the Department’s building will be entered to win a raffle for a low-number hunting and boat registration license. As anyone familiar with the state’s obsession with low-digit license plates can attest, such items are popular, and DNREC expects people to line up for a chance to snag a rare commodity like this. The winner will be selected in a drawing by the governor on, fittingly enough, Governor’s Day on July 25.
On July 20, the Department will host the junior and senior Delaware State Duck and Goose Calling Championship, with the winners getting gift cards to Cabela’s. July 23 is Kids’ Day, and to mark the occasion there will be colonial games with staff from Delaware’s First State Heritage Park. Employees from the DNREC Division of Water will also be present to help visitors make sand art tubes.
On July 23 and 25, children will have the opportunity to make bluebird boxes they can take home and paint, while throughout the 10 days of the fair people will be able to receive instruction on shooting a bow and arrow and view vehicles used by Delaware Natural Resources Police. Also on July 25, DNREC will recognize the Young Environmentalists of the Year and winners of its Youth Fishing Tournament.
DNREC’s divisions of Watershed Stewardship; Waste and Hazardous Substances; Water; and Climate, Coastal and Energy will also have representatives each day present offering information on various programs the divisions contain.
“This has been a great learning experience for so many,” Emory said of the DNREC exhibits. “I see people come in and they’re seeing a whole different aspect of DNREC free of charge, the kids get to see and touch many different things and you can see the excitement on their faces when they reach into the touch tank or see the fish in the large tanks. Who knows, it might set off that spark in some of them and have them say, well, I want a career doing this, or I see now why it’s so important to protect these environments.”