
Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Informational Workshop

Date and Time:
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
2 pm

A Virtual Meeting
See Connection Information
, Delaware

Get a detailed overview of the state’s Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Programs.

Workshop attendees will learn how State Revolving Fund programs administered by DNREC Environmental Finance can provide a wide range of financial assistance and a one-stop loan application process for wastewater and drinking water infrastructure project assistance, including new funding available under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law:

  • Supplemental funding available to address emerging contaminants and lead service line replacement
  • Additional subsidies to disadvantaged communities for water infrastructure projects

The workshop also will cover information about planning tools to assist applicants with:

  • Wastewater, drinking water and surface water matching planning grants
  • Asset management planning grants
  • Project planning advances
  • Planning and design loans

The workshop will offer guidance on how and when to submit projects for funding consideration; project ranking criteria; project construction requirements, and how to apply for infrastructure planning grants.

Information on the loan and grant programs and applications can be found at

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